Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Beginnings

How does one start a blog?

I have had blogs in the past that never seem to work out.  Most of the time they start with some grand idea that has been making the rounds in my brain until I had not other choice but to put the idea down on paper. After that first post, the fire has settled down and I feel that I don't have much else to write about. This time I intend to set aside specific time to write so that I can make this a much more regular publication and hopefully write about enough interesting ideas that some of you look forward to learning a bit about how laboratory science works. I am still working out the details on how often I plan on posting and on what days.  For now, I will post once a week on Wednesdays and might throw in a few bonus posts here and there.

I also have a non scientific blog which I post on occasionally. It is called Echoes through the Darkness.You are welcome to check there intermittently if you would like to learn more about my travels through he world. You will be able to see my stresses, my joys, some of my sadness, and occasionally a real gem of a thought. I will do my best to remember to post links when I have new articles up.  On that blog I will also be posting about non-science books that I have been reading or am currently reading. I encourage you to join me in my literary adventures if you are looking for a new book to read.

My next post, and I suppose my first actual science post will be up on Wednesday.  It will be on overview of what I feel science is, and an introduction into genetics. As I mentioned in my first post, Of Articles To Come, I am a Ph.D. student in Genetics. So the next article will focus on introducing you to my world of genetics.

 Keep Science in your Hearts


"It is my desire to view nature through nature's eyes... to truly become... a part of the very earth, thus to view the inner surfaces and the life elements."  - Isamu Noguchi

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